Women’s Health Physiotherapy with Clare Haslam

Clare is a Specialist Women’s Health Physiotherapist within the NHS and has been for over 10 years. She is a member of the special interest group Pelvic, Obstetric & Gynaecology Physiotherapy (POGP) and is a certified Mummy MOT practitioner.

Women’s Health Physiotherapy is a specialist area that involves the assessment and treatment of conditions affecting the pelvis and pelvic floor muscles. If you are suffering from any of the following symptoms then Physiotherapy may be able to help:

Urinary Stress Incontinence

This can consist of urinary leakage during activities or exertion, such as coughing, sneezing, running, jumping or trampolining.

Weakened pelvic floor muscles can contribute to this problem and targeted physiotherapy to help to strengthen these muscles can help reduce the leakage.

Urinary Urge Incontinence

This is the sudden, desperate need to pass urine that you may not be able to control. You may find yourself beginning to leak as you dash to the toilet.  This condition can also cause you to need to pass urine far more frequently and you may find that you are waking up at night to go. You tend to know where all the toilets are as this is commonly known as ‘toilet mapping’. Cold weather, running water, or even just reaching for your key can often trigger a sudden and uncontrollable urge.  Treatments for this can often be effective and include lifestyle changes, behavioural interventions and pelvic floor work.

Pelvic Organ Prolapse

If you feel something is coming downwards in your vagina, or you feel a heaviness or bulge then this may mean that you are at risk of having a prolapse or that you already have one. A full assessment of your pelvic floor muscles will help to plan treatment that will help improve mild or moderate symptoms and help to stop them from becoming worse.

Bowel Dysfunction*

Conditions such as faecal constipation and incontinence linked to weak pelvic floor muscles can be helped by physiotherapy. A thorough assessment will help identify the cause of your bowel problems. Lifestyle changes, pelvic floor muscle assessment and defecation techniques may help.

Please note that if you have noticed a change in your usual bowel habit, or have seen any bleeding or mucous in your stools, you must see your GP before you commence any treatment with us.

*Inflammatory Bowel conditions such as Crohn’s Disease or Ulcerative Colitis and bowel cancer are not treated by physiotherapy at this practice.

Post Natal Physiotherapy

 Clare is a fully certified and licensed Mummy MOT Practitioner.

A Mummy MOT is a specialist postnatal examination for women after having had vaginal or C-section deliveries. It will assess how your posture, pelvic floor muscles and stomach muscles are recovering after childbirth. As a Mummy MOT Physiotherapist Clare will provide you with gentle exercises and treatment to help with your recovery and get you back on track with your fitness goals.




What to expect at your consultation

During the consultation you will be given plenty of time to discuss in detail the problems you are experiencing. You will be treated with the upmost respect throughout and your assessment will be carried out in a clinic room with a closed door to ensure complete privacy.

It will be helpful to bring a list of any medications that you are taking. Please also bring any diaries or notes that you have made about your symptoms or any questionnaires that you have been asked to complete prior to your appointment.

If a vaginal or rectal examination is required, it will only be done with your consent and with the upmost gentleness, care and respect. You can withdraw your consent at any time.

After your assessment, Clare will plan a course of treatment. This may be a one off assessment or you may be recommended to return for further sessions.

To book contact: enquiries@consortiumphysio.co,uk.

Useful Resources from Clare:

Let’s Talk about Continence

How HLP Therapy can aid your scar and c-section scar recovery